2019 / Integrated mobility technologies

Developing of complex systems

    Autonomous driving, Car-to-X, electric mobility: The challenges in vehicle development are increasingly more complex and diverse. Of course there is also a opportunity in this for development partners.

    Large OEMs will need a large part of their capacities to handle this complexity in the development. Subsequently, the subcontract volume will become more extensive for the development partner. But with the size of the subcontract volume the complexity will also increase here, which the partner must overcome.

    The Audi Q8 shows that PSW is already in the position for this future. Together with PSW and the other partners Audi developed the Luxus-SUV, which celebrated its world premier in 2018. During the development of the Audi Q8 PSW accepted to work on another project: the new Audi electric sports car. It is the biggest project in the company’s history.

    A stringent functional orientation is integral to the complete vehicle development. Now we can reliably fulfil the requirements for the homologation of the respective markets

    Bora Pamir Development Manager Complete vehicle
    The Audi Q8: Audi developed the luxury SUV together with PSW and other partners.

    Several parallel large scale projects

    In addition PSW is still working on the development of three additional vehicles so that the company can currently develop four large projects simultaneously. PSW guarantees the success of the project through a broad technical service spectrum, effective project management with matrix structure and networked tasks. At the same time the challenges will continue to increase. The focus is increasingly on the customer and technologies can no longer be considered in isolation because they increasingly overlap in a networked world. The complexity increases. Therefore, a holistic system overview is always more important in automotive development. Or in other words: PSW no longer thinks in components but systems.

    Very early on in the development phase we were already working on the dimension concept, ergonomics, the design and DMU from the start together with the corresponding customers and PSW specialist departments

    Günter Adam Concepts Development Manager

    A vehicle consists of several individual parts which fulfil the necessary functions in their perfect interaction. Correspondingly we have already always look at the whole

    Michael Stelzle Development Manager Exterior/Hang-on parts

    Together for the entire system

    Strategy expert Dr. Susan Zöller works together with the specialist departments to further develop the ‘Thinking in Sytems’ at PSW. If you take a closer look it is easy to get lost in a mass of specialist terms, complicated graphics and awkward definitions. Susan explains this with a catchy metaphor: ‘The analogy is relatively simple, but it gets to the core of the matter. The system concept can be explained with the house construction. For instance, there are electricians there who qualify as coordination partners and experts when laying electrical cable during the project “House construction‘ , says the graduate engineer. In consideration of all the other domains he responds to the feasibility of the function “ensure power supply”. He succeeds because he is able to optimally adapt himself to the team.’

    General Development

    The entire development process from a single source: we are an innovative development partner for comprehensive module and derivative development work.

    Auf die Fahrzeugentwicklung bezogen heißt das, dass Ingenieure beispielsweise Elektrik oder Mechanik nicht als voneinander isolierte Domänen betrachten, sondern direkt zu Beginn das Gesamtsystem im Blick haben und gemeinsam in interdisziplinären Teams die erforderlichen Anforderungen und Funktionen definieren. Weil PSW in ihrer Rolle als Generalentwickler die Verantwortung für ganze Fahrzeuge übernimmt, hat diese gesamtheitliche Betrachtungsweise schon immer eine wichtige Rolle gespielt, die nun noch stärker in den Fokus rückt.

    Massagefunktion, Beleuchtung, Sound etc.: Für die Entwicklung des Interieurs der Zukunft betrachten wir diese Insassenerlebnisfunktionen gesamtheitlich und stellen das Erlebnis der Insassen in den Mittelpunkt. Das gelingt uns durch enge Vernetzung mit allen Beteiligten und konsequente Funktionsorientierung.

    Tilo Schiesterl Leiter Entwicklung Interieur

    Im Grunde denken wir schon heute in Systemen und Funktionen“, sagt Susan. „Und weil diese Denkweise in Zukunft noch mehr an Bedeutung gewinnen wird, werden wir gemeinsam mit den Fachabteilungen daran arbeiten, wie wir den Ansatz weiterverfolgen. Insbesondere eine sorgfältige Gestaltung der Prozesslandschaft ist wichtig, damit Arbeitsabläufe und Verantwortungen klar definiert und transparent sind.“ Es ist also noch einiges zu tun, bis das „Denken in Systemen“ voll etabliert ist. Aber wer Susan zuhört, der kommt schnell zur Überzeugung, dass für das Thema brennt und es gemeinsam mit ihren Kollegen erfolgreich vorantreiben wird.

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